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The Existence and Journey of the Soul in the Human Body

AUG 21. 2024

Most spiritual traditions speak of an entity within us called the soul, life force, or Atman. However, scientists and philosophers have often questioned its existence. Yet, the insights of mystics and sages, initially doubted, are often recognized later as closer to the truth.

Manifestation of the Soul

Assuming that the soul exists, how does it manifest in human form? According to Heartfulness guide, Daaji, the attitude of parents at the moment of conception creates a certain vibratory level around them. This field attracts a soul matching that frequency. The soul is not brought by anyone; it is attracted to the matching vibratory level and fits in like a lock and key.

The Soul's Role in Embryonic Development

Human life starts with the merging of a sperm and an egg, a biological process culminating in the birth of a baby. Where is the soul during this process? The soul hovers around the mother, and as the genetic process begins in the womb, it accelerates the division of cells. The first critical organ formed is the heart, which nourishes other developing organs.

According to yogic science, along with the physical body, a spiritual body develops, creating a network of pathways for the life force to flow through, known as chakras. While most traditions recognize seven major chakras, the Heartfulness tradition speaks of many more points and sub-points.

Entry of the Soul

When the embryo is ready and the brain, including the Brahmarandhra chakra in the occipital area, is fully formed (within three months of development), the soul enters through this point. The soul does not enter earlier because the body must be fully formed, like plugging an incomplete electronic device into an electric current would cause malfunction.

The Soul's Residence and Energy Flow

Once the soul enters the body, it resides in the heart, the seat of the soul. From the heart, it reaches out to all the chakras. The spiritual journey is characterized by an expansion of consciousness through the points or chakras. The heart is the central point from which energy flows to various chakras, similar to branches extending from a tree trunk.

Energy flows from the heart to the Atma chakra and other chakras like the Agni chakra. In the Heartfulness tradition, cleaning these chakras and the paths between them ensures the energy flows without hindrance. This process is enhanced through Heartfulness meditation and heart chakra meditation, which are integral to maintaining a clear and efficient energy flow.

Encouraging Personal Exploration

Daaji encourages personal exploration through Heartfulness meditation, which is offered for free worldwide. He emphasizes that life itself is an experience, proving there is something greater than this manifestation. Your life force is within you—try to experience it in more depth. Heart meditation practices can help deepen this understanding and connection, leading to a more profound spiritual journey.