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A live journal of blessed activities in and around Kanha with Daaji

Simple tips to avoid making mistakes by Daaji


Last 5 entries

Atlanta 2nd June 2024

Daaji met with the trustees of the Shakti Mandir’s board and agreed that Heartfulness trainers should conduct regular meditation sessions there and offer Brighter Minds training.

Tritiya Trana Swaroop. Tritiya means three. Trana Swaroop. She appears in three forms. One is Kali. Another is Mahalakshmi. And third, the giver of knowledge, Kalashwati. They are all manifestations of the same Mahasakti or Adi Shakti. And Tribhuvanma Betha means three big palaces. She belongs to three big dimensions. Higher, middle, and lower. The hell, earth, and the heaven. These are trying to; these dimensions are the darker, normal, earthly, and brighter worlds. In short, she covers all. It is said Sarva Vyapi, Sarva Gyani, Sarva Shaktimaan, all these definitions are given to her to that Shakti, to that power.

Daaji reached Shakti Mandir around 10.30 am for the final session of the event. Daaji met with the trustees of the Shakti Mandir’s board and agreed that Heartfulness trainers should conduct regular meditation sessions there and offer Brighter Minds training. He started off the session with a talk by conveying hearty salutations to Adi Shakti and gave a profound talk before he led the meditation session to all present there. After the meditation session, Daaji answered a few questions from the seekers. 


Some of the important points from the session are as follows:


Q: How do you regulate the mind? 


A: I would wish to say something in the words of my Guruji: just as eyes are to see and ears are to hear, the tongue is to taste, and so is the mind to think. We simply cannot arrest the mind from its very function, which is God-given. Our way of life has spoiled it somehow, so we must discipline our minds. The mind can be disciplined only by using it. The body can be built up by using the body. That's why we go to the gym to build muscles and what they call six packs. There is nothing wrong with it. We need to maintain the body. Otherwise, you'll be walking around like an alcoholic. They run around with family packs. Do you know what a family pack means? Absence of six packs, and they are like mature gold. My mind also is like that. If you don't exercise your mind, then it's a problem. An uncontrolled mind can never help us become the masters of ourselves. What happens to forests? Seeds are thrown by nature through wind, through birds everywhere. And there are plants and trees and all kinds of stuff flourishing in the forest. It's unregulated. But think of a gardener, a masterful gardener. who selects the plants, seeds, and trees and plants them at the right place, maintains them, and removes the weeds, then you can create a beautiful garden. That is called regulated use of your energy in the plantation. 


Daaji said, Some of you are business people; how you invest your money is also well-regulated and planned. There is no impulsiveness there. If you make impulsive decisions, even in the business world, without thinking and meditating over them, you can lose the business. As they say in Gujarati, what are your thoughts? Thoughts are nothing but seeds. Unregulated thoughts are like unregulated seeds thrown here and there, becoming a forest—chaos in your mind. But a regulated mind is like the gardener's seeds, who plants properly and executes them properly. And we have the advantage of the heart. Whenever the mind goes wrong, the heart will give us a signal. Don't do it. Our conscience speaks louder than the voice of the mind. Rather, the impulses of the mind can be overruled by the heart. The heart always gives us the right signal.


Daaji later remembered an incident from his childhood: Most Gujarati families make them recite Arati (Prayer) as a way to express devotion and reverence. He shared that he used to do Aarti in his childhood and in a cheerful spirit, and he asked everyone present there what he was going to put on the quiz. Daaji asked if anyone would like to volunteer to recite the third paragraph from Arati (Prayer). 


Brother Harsh Purohit from Richmond Center volunteered to recite it, and after he finished reciting, Daaji asked what the meaning was with a chuckle and explained the meaning of it. 


Tritiya Trana Swaroop. Tritiya means three. Trana Swaroop. She appears in three forms. One is Kali. Another is Mahalakshmi. And third, the giver of knowledge, Kalashwati. They are all manifestations of the same Mahasakti or Adi Shakti. And Tribhuvanma Betha means three big palaces. She belongs to three big dimensions. Higher, middle, and lower. The hell, earth, and the heaven. These are trying to; these dimensions are the darker, normal, earthly, and brighter worlds. In short, she covers all. It is said Sarva Vyapi, Sarva Gyani, Sarva Shaktimaan, all these definitions are given to her to that Shakti, to that power.


Daaji then performed an engagement ceremony for Brother Abhijit Manikatla from Atlanta Centre and Claudia Harris from Pennsylvania.


Daaji thanked Shakti Mandir members, the volunteers, and especially trustees, “We are indebted to all of you, the volunteers of Heartfulness, and all the invited guests. Heartfulness can bring about revolution. Daaji also mentioned that some people might get upset when I say transcend the religion and enter spirituality because religions have divided humanity so much. There have been greater wars, more wars, and killings in the name of religion than any other thing. Philosophical differences divide us also. When I speak like this, the mandir trustees must be thinking, what is this guy coming to the mandir and saying, transcend the mandir? I'm not saying the absence of the need for it. Use it wisely.” 


This was attended by around 1500 seekers, who were introduced to Heartfulness meditation and brighter minds. Daaji also talked to them in Gujarati and English about Adi Shakti, the primordial power that existed before creation. The sittings were filled with depth and joy. 

