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A live journal of blessed activities in and around Kanha with Daaji

Simple tips to avoid making mistakes by Daaji


Last 5 entries

Kanha Shantivanam 19th August 2022

On the auspicious day of Janmashtami, Daaji shared some amazing insights that have been transcribed in a message titled ‘Look After Your Intentions’. Read further to download.

Janmashtami with a Lot of Insights

At home, Daaji was greeted by many relatives and friends. After a short walk he wanted to rest, but looking at the number of people gathered in his house, he decided to sit with them for a while in his bedroom. He took the opportunity to record a message on the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami and asked Elizabeth Denley to edit the transcript and release it.

It is the holy festival of Janmashtami, the day Lord Krishna incarnated on earth.

At 9 a.m., Daaji arrived in the meditation hall where about 1,000 seekers had gathered to attend the morning session. He conducted meditation for the group from 9.10 to 9.45 a.m. and then solemnized the wedding of Sahaj and Laeticia.  Afterward, he met all the guests who had come to bless the couple in his office behind the meditation hall. After distributing prasad, he left for home.

At home, Daaji was greeted by many relatives and friends. After a short walk he wanted to rest, but looking at the number of people gathered in his house, he decided to sit with them for a while in his bedroom. He took the opportunity to record a message on the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami and asked Elizabeth Denley to edit the transcript and release it.

While the entire message, titled ‘Look After Your Intentions’, can be accessed/downloaded here

Some of the gems from the day are here:

According to Babuji, if energy is not utilized it will destroy itself in due course, while science says that energy can never be destroyed but can be transformed.

Energy flowing through the mind, through the consciousness of an individual, also creates a certain field, depending upon the filters in that consciousness.

Thoughts lead to actions, which lead to results, which lead to character, which lead to destiny. Yet, there is something before thoughts – samskaras. Samskaras color our thinking, adding filters to our awareness and perception.

Before a samskara manifests as a thought, there is the possibility of us making an
intention that changes the fixed pathway. In fact, this can happen at any stage, thus
ultimately changing our destiny. Our Sahaj Marg practices are all based on the use of
intention, which we know as sankalpa, and the intervention can happen at any stage.

Finally, after the recording, Daaji found the time to rest. The flurry of activity began again in the evening.

At 5.30 p.m. Daaji accompanied his guests, Dr Krapal Singh Verma, Assistant Director of Horticulture, MP Tourism Development Corporation; Yogi Kochchar, founder of the YourOneLife happiness app; and a few family members to the Yatra Garden. He walked them through all the points, answered questions posed by the guests, and explained the significance of each chakra in the spiritual yatra.

Once they reached the statue of Babuji at the 13th point, Daaji conducted meditation for the group. Yogi Kochchar shared his experience of the meditation session, and it was followed by a profound conversation between him and Daaji.

The Mysterious Inner Journey

All these things cannot be explained with a logical mind. We experience, that’s all. Why did it happen? God knows. Why did we feel blissful? We don’t know. Something shifts inside, and all of a sudden, we feel relieved. We also don’t know what shifted. So, the inner journey is quite mysterious.

Just make a note of your experience. After some time, maybe 10 years or so, when you see your own journal then you’ll see your trajectory. Then you’ll be able to understand why you had such a vision. Many things come together later when you maintain a journal and see the trajectory.

What Is the Role of Chanting Mantras in Our Spiritual Journey?

I personally don’t feel that you can realize God by chanting mantras. Of course, chanting can make you feel at peace. It can help you focus your mind and so on, but never to realize God, because in chanting you are there. Not only are you there, but you are busy; your mind is busy. To realize God, the mind has to be transcended. And when the mind is busy, how can you transcend it?

So, according to me, chanting keeps you busy. You are so busy that you don’t allow your consciousness to move anywhere. While, ideally, consciousness should be supple, flexible, and submitted to the hands of the Maker so that He can mold it as per His desire.

Strictly speaking, the chanting of mantras should be taken up in such a way that you transcend your manas [mind]. The meaning of the mantra is that which takes you or helps you transcend. Instead, you’re too busy without understanding the meaning of the word mantra. It’s like asking children to learn by heart the alphabet: they mug up everything nicely. But you can really understand the alphabet only when you’re able to synthesize words and sentences and create a story. Then it becomes useful.

When it descends from your mouth, lips, and tongue into your heart, that is the mantra. There is nothing wrong with reciting Aum, but has it become your inner pulsation? And that can happen only when you’re in absolute silence within yourself. That’s the first requirement. And what do you do with that utter silence? We don’t know how to play with that silence. We don’t even know how to create inner silence. So we need a Guru who, with his abilities, can help remove all this unnecessary garbage from within us and liberate us from the dualities.

Do You Really Have the Freedom of Choice?

Let’s take the example of buying a car. When you go to the showroom, what influences you to buy a particular car? You may like the color your friend has, or your spouse may not like a particular color or model and based on that you choose one. So there are many external factors that influence your choice. I would say, 90% of your choices are influenced by others and hardly 10% are your own. So the choices we make largely depend on such conditioning or preconditioning.

Who we are is the baggage of personalities that we have created over many pasts, and this is what we call samskaras. As we slowly get rid of these samskaras, we free ourselves.

Yogi Kochchar shared his life’s journey and said the time spent with Daaji was the most inspiring experience for him. Daaji then spoke about happiness.

Happiness and Meditation — Are They Connected?

Our journey is forever. Happiness versus comfort, satisfaction versus contentment, it goes on and on. While satisfaction and comfort are dependent on other factors, happiness and contentment are not dependent on anything; they are just attitudes.

In chapter two of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says that every jiva [living being] hankers after happiness and comfort. Whether a cat or a small worm, when it rains, it takes shelter under a small leaf. It wants some comfort, some protection, and that is where it finds happiness for the moment.

Lord Krishna also says that it’s in the state of inner harmony that you enjoy that happiness. If you were restless, would you be happy? For example, if your wife is not well or your health is not good, it topples everything. If your maid’s dog dies and she is sad, that creates some level of sadness in you also. We are all human beings touched by others’ pain, so it’s not only our pain that topples our happiness or harmony, but somebody else’s affliction can change our inner state as well.

So, inner harmony is very important. And you cannot arrive at a state of harmony unless and until you’re contemplative, says Lord Krishna. Further, he says that the contemplative mind is a product of a focused mind. Unless you have a focused mind, you cannot contemplate anything.

What is the difference between contemplation and thinking? Thinking is linear, while contemplation is 360 degrees. For example, I can keep thinking about why the dog died. But if I were to contemplate, I would analyze the situation and see how it died: Did it have an infection? Did another dog bite it? Did it die of starvation or was it killed by accident? So many things are revealed when we analyze any situation with a contemplative mind. Through contemplation, we’re trying to find a solution and get some answers.

We cannot remain focused and contemplative without the mind being trained. And the training of the mind is possible only when we meditate. Thus, Lord Krishna indirectly connects the dots between happiness and dhyana [meditation] – they are connected.

How Much to Contemplate? Can There Be Anything Called Over-Contemplation?

Contemplate enough to get a solution. Once you have thought about it and have found the answer in the very first thought itself, you don’t need to contemplate further.

What Is the Difference Between Happiness and Pleasure?

Pleasure is dependent on something outside. Happiness is not dependent on anything; it’s an inner resource. Pleasure always requires an outside object; you’re dependent, you’re a slave to pleasure.

How Does Meditation Help in Finding God Within?

Can we see God? We cannot, because God is infinite. We cannot see Infinity in a limited form, but we can perceive Infinity within ourselves. And the type of space that we are in can help us understand things for the better or for the worse. For example, the quiet space created through meditation can help us go deeper within ourselves.

The search for God in the outer world will always fail us. After all, He is Antaryamin, One who dwells within.

The State of Aham Brahmasmi

It’s again an experience. You feel as if you are the Creator of the universe, but that’s only a temporary state. In fact, you feel that state at the very first chakra, the Anahat or the Heart Chakra. When you move to the second chakra, the Atma Chakra, you begin to feel that everything in creation is Brahma. And then when you enter the Brahmanda or the Parabrahmanda Mandal – especially the Parabrahmanda Mandal – then you feel that all is from Brahma. So, there are three stages to this revelation.

Parabrahmanda means you have gone beyond consciousness; ‘I’ am no more. It’s a very beautiful experiential journey; it’s not bookish knowledge. And if a person has a true craving or restlessness, I would say, the passion to realize the Highest, it can happen very soon.

Daaji was very tired after this long conversation and their trip to the Yatra Garden. He asked Yogi Kochchar how long he would be staying in Kanha, and apologized to his guests for not being able to have them home for dinner as his house was already filled with friends and relatives. He left for home at around 7.45 p.m.
