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A live journal of blessed activities in and around Kanha with Daaji

Simple tips to avoid making mistakes by Daaji


Last 5 entries

Kanha Shantivanam 2nd July 2022

What is important is your heart? Yoga does not demand any belief system. In fact, any belief system would slow you down. We must remain open in our hearts and say, ‘God, I do like to believe you are there but I want to experience your presence.’ And it should be on neutral ground.

Religion and Spirituality

While talking about Religion and Spirituality, Daaji said, “What is important is your heart? Yoga does not demand any belief system. In fact, any belief system would slow you down. We must remain open in our hearts and say, ‘God, I do like to believe you are there but I want to experience your presence.’ And it should be on neutral ground. I cannot go with preconditions. Even with this sort of meditation, people do carry their baggage. For example, when we meditate together in our ashrams, some people come up and say they felt the presence of Lord Jesus. Or in Qatar, they feel the presence of the Prophet. In India, some people say they felt the presence of Goddess Durga or Mahadeva or Lord Krishna. You are seeing some reality from the colored glasses that you are wearing. In your subconscious mind you are preconditioned that God is Lord Krishna or God is Prophet or God is Jesus. So when we see something profound we immediately think it must be that. That is how we color our experiences. So the belief has actually cheated you. Any worship done ritualistically will not yield anything. There needs to be Love and Joy in what we do."

The morning was busy with Daaji checking his e-mails and responding to them.

At 10.30 a.m. he had his routine check-up and exercises with the physiotherapist.

Daaji met up with the KPMG team at The Pearl hotel around 11.30 a.m. The program began with a question-answer session. Daaji shared his insights on the following topics:


Attitude plays a very major role. Success in spirituality, or any other field, depends largely on our attitude.

Religion and spirituality

What is important is the heart. Yoga does not demand us to believe in God. In fact, blind beliefs slow us down. We must remain open in our hearts and say, “God, I’d like to believe you are there. I want to experience your presence.” We should be neutral; we cannot go with preconditions.

Even in meditation, we witness this sort of preconditioning. For example, we meditate together in our ashrams, but some people feel the presence of Lord Jesus, others feel the presence of the Prophet, and yet others the presence of Goddess Durga or Mahadeva or Lord Krishna. Thus, we perceive reality through our colored glasses. In our subconscious mind, we are preconditioned to perceive God as Lord Krishna or the Prophet or Jesus. So, our belief is actually cheating us.

Any worship done ritualistically will not yield anything. There needs to be love and joy in whatever we do.

The higher dimensions

Very few individuals have access to the higher worlds, that is, they can feel the vibrations of that level. This knowledge is reserved for them, for the work that they do. Such people are agents of the Divine. In the Quran, they are referred to as Abdals, and in common language, we know them as angels.

Angels are there, and there is much more beyond them too. In fact, there is a hierarchy of dimensions. And once in a million years, we might find one person having access to all the dimensions at one go. It is very rare, but it is possible.

Even if Nature favors us and gives us access to these dimensions, what is the use? Before seeking access to higher dimensions, we must learn how to communicate in this world. Unless and until we master the art of communication here, we cannot have vertical growth [access to higher dimensions].

The question-answer session continued till 12.40 p.m., after which Daaji conducted meditation. After meditation, he said that he would meet the KPMG team for one more session before they left Kanha. He had a photograph clicked with the group, and afterward left for home.

At 5.45 p.m. Daaji met Dr. R.C. Agrawal, Deputy Director-General of ICAR, and his wife. After introducing ICAR and their institute in Hyderabad, Dr. Agrawal requested Daaji to visit their campus on the 8th of July and address the ICAR members. The invitation was heartily accepted by Daaji.

They went on to discuss many topics related to agriculture, including the latest techniques, methods to train students, and so on. Dr. Agrawal expressed his wish to conduct a three-day seminar involving meditation, for 75 vice-chancellors, on the Kanha campus. 

At 6 p.m. Swati Bharadwaj, a Times of India reporter visited Daaji along with her father. There was a Brighter Minds demo for all the guests – including Swati and Dr. R.C. Agrawal – which left them all astonished.

Later, Swati interviewed Daaji. They discussed politics, the important role of media, and some basics about religion and spirituality. The discussion went on till 7.20 p.m.  

At 9.30 p.m. Daaji joined the members of ATA (American Telugu Association) over a Zoom call. They were holding their 17th convention. Daaji thanked the ATA team for inviting Heartfulness to be part of the celebrations and then spoke for a few minutes.

He said, “Heartfulness is not just about meditation and spirituality. Rather, it is an all-encompassing complement to life, where we do not ignore any facet of our existence. We try to integrate everything so that whatever we do becomes spiritual in the end. Whether we eat or work, whether we are with our children or with our beloved – every moment must be imbued with love and reverence for God. And this happens when we remain in a meditative state all the time.

“Though it may sound difficult, I assure you that the practice helps us to arrive at such a lofty state naturally, in a very easy way. What we need to do is to commit ourselves to practice for a few minutes in the morning, evening, and before going to sleep. No more than an hour in a day is required to ensure our spiritual growth.

“It has a tremendous impact on our lives not only at the individual level but even on our families and business environment. Wherever we go we carry this special atmosphere, this special aura of calm and peace. Unless we have that condition within our hearts, how can we radiate it outside? How can we resonate with the outer world with that frequency, unless it is first created within us?”

Then Daaji walked the participants of the virtual meeting through relaxation and conducted meditation from 9.45 p.m. to 10 p.m. The session continued with questions and answers till 10.45 p.m.

After attending the Zoom session, Daaji called for Gajendra Goutam and showed him a video of the mountains in Switzerland, which showcased the development of the greenery, forests, pathways, and so on. Daaji shared his vision of developing the Omkareshwar project in the same manner.

Finally, the long day came to a close and Daaji went to rest for the night.
