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A live journal of blessed activities in and around Kanha with Daaji

Simple tips to avoid making mistakes by Daaji


Last 5 entries

Monroe NJ 24th May 2024

In the morning, Daaji got busy with planting all the saplings purchased yesterday. Soon after, he inquired about nurseries in the area and made plans to visit them.

Near the ashram is Gasko's, which is nearly the size of 5 football fields of nursery space. Daaji purchased many veggies, and flowering plants in this place. While shopping, Daaji came across a Geranium and said, “When Marg was young, he brought home a little Geranium plant. It was a tiny sapling and it stayed with us for almost seven years.” Then he said, “Let’s buy this one, in memory of that.”

Morning around 8:45 am Daaji got busy with setting up the home and cleaning up materials. In that process, he found several old letters, tapes, etc for which he gave specific instructions.


After a South Indian breakfast, Daaji got busy with planting all the saplings purchased yesterday. Soon after, he inquired about nurseries in the area and made plans to visit them. Near the ashram is Gasko's, which is nearly the size of 5 football fields of nursery space. Daaji purchased many veggies, and flowering plants in this place. While shopping, Daaji came across a Geranium and said, “When Marg was young, he brought home a little Geranium plant. It was a tiny sapling and it stayed with us for almost seven years.” Then he said, “Let’s buy this one, in memory of that.”


In the nursery, as shoppers crossed Daaji, it was noticeable how they interacted with him and some of them made some small talk. After spending almost 2 hours in Gasko’s Daaji wanted to also visit another nursery nearby, which was a smaller one but specialized in different types of trees.


Here at the Country View Nursery, Daaji bought many fruit trees, including peaches, Winesap apples, plums, figs, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. He also picked up some magnificent white magnolias and Japanese Maples. There were enough trees to fill the back of a truck. While purchasing the fruit trees, Daaji said “Le lo. Apne Bachhe khayenge”. (take it, our children will eat).


Daaji was in wonderful spirits (despite the jet lag and all its accompanying issues like lack of sleep and general fatigue). After lunch, Daaji retired to his room, where he mostly did some reading and writing. In the evening, at sundown (close to 7:30 pm), Daaji stepped out and guided all the volunteers to continue the planting. He has asked for some of the seeds to be presoaked. What was interesting was he noticed how the seeds settled in the bowl of water. Looking at how the Arugula seeds settled, which was an even circular pattern, he suggested, “These need to be closer to each other,” and then asked someone to check the planting instructions. By the time the work ended, it was close to 8:45 pm. Daaji had dinner and retired back to his room.

