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Are You Taking More Than You're Giving? Life Lessons from Nature

AUG 21. 2024

Many people ask me, Kamlesh, what is the best quality a human being should have? Three things stand out in my heart: simplicity, purity, and humility. While simplicity and purity are well understood, the significance of humility is often overlooked.

Humility: A Lesson from Mango Trees

In summertime, when mangoes grow heavy on the branches, the weight causes the branches to bend and touch the soil. If the branches tried to remain erect, they would break under the weight, destroying the tree. Similarly, with growth and progress, we should bow down with humility. Without humility, we cannot be truly human.

Lessons from Cows: Generosity in Giving

Consider cows: they take grass, water, and nutrients and give us milk. Ultimately, they sacrifice their lives, giving more than they take. Nature, in its generosity, provides a powerful life lesson. Everything around us takes the minimum and gives the maximum.

Reflecting on Our Own Contributions

As humans, we take the best from nature. Our intake is always the best, but what about our output? We must strive to emulate nature's generosity, giving back more than we take.

Applying These Lessons

  1. Embrace Humility: Like the branches of a mango tree, be willing to bow down with the weight of your achievements. Recognize that without humility, progress can lead to downfall.
  2. Value Simplicity and Purity: Maintain simplicity and purity in your thoughts and actions. These qualities are fundamental to a balanced life.
  3. Give More Than You Take: Follow nature’s example. Whether through your actions, words, or resources, ensure that your contributions exceed your intake.
  4. Reflect on Nature's Generosity: Look around and learn from the natural world. Every element of nature takes the minimum necessary and gives back abundantly. Strive to embody this principle in your daily life.
  5. Practice Heartfulness: Integrate these lessons into your spiritual practice. Heartfulness meditation can help cultivate simplicity, purity, and humility, enhancing your ability to give back generously.